Finacle 10 Menus and Commands


Finacle 10 or Finacle X is the latest buzz in Banking Industry. Some Banks have already migrated to Finacle 10 whereas some are under implementation. Finacle 10 is the upgraded version of the flagship product of Infosys, which is being worldwide bank various banks. If your bank has also migrated to Finacle 10 or is in the process of migration, you might be looking for the finacle 10 commands.

Finacle 10 menus are different from the existing finacle version. Here we are giving all the finacle 10 commands. You can also download the pdf file of these finacle 10 commands to save to your system for future reference.

Important Finacle 10 commands are given below:

Finacle 10 commands for Audit

Audit File PrintHAFP
Audit File PurgeHAFPU
Audit Literal Details MaintenanceHALDM
Inquire On Audit EventsHAEI
Inquire on Audit MasterIAM
Inquire on Sign and Photo AuditISPA
Inter Entity Audit ReportIEAUDIT
Inter Sol Audit ReportHISAR
Print Audit DetailsHPAD
Verification Audit MaintenanceHVAM
View Audit DetailsHVAD

Finacle 10 Commands for Deposits

Account Close Authorization – Term DepositHCAACVTD
Account Close – Term DepositHCAACTD
Accounts Maintenance – Term DepositsHACMTD
Accounts Maintenance – Top Up DepositsHACMTU
Calculate Profit for DepositsCPFD
Combined DepositHCDEP
Cross Currency Cash DepositCCASHDEP
Deposit Accounts MaintenanceHDAM
Deposit Flow RegenerationHREGFLOW
Deposit ModelingHDEPMOD
Deposit Transactions Report DetailHDTRD
Deposit Transactions Report SummaryHDTRS
Deposits Linked to Pool ReportGDLTPR
Deposits MenuGUDEPMU
Deposits Menu – ONSONSGUDMU
Deposits Menu- Online servicesHGUDEPMU
Deposits Receipt PrintHDRP
Deposits Receipt Print (Duplicate)HDUDRP
Deposits Reports MenuDEPREPMU
Deposits Reports Menu – OnlineHDEPRPMU
Deposits Reports Menu – ONSONSDPRMU
Distribute Profit for Mud Pool DepositsDPMPD
Fixed Deposits Linked DetailsHFDLD
Flow Amt-wise Distribution of DepositsCFDD
General Deposits DetailsCGDET
Inquire Profit Calculated for DepositsIPCFD
Irregular Recurring Deposits ReportHIRRDEP
Maturity Periodwise Dist of DepositsCMDD
Non-Resident Deposit Single ReturnHNRDCSR
Pending Deposits Receipt PrintHPENDDRP
Pool-Wise Distribution of Deposit ReportGPDODR
Ratewise Distribution of DepositsHRDD
Renewed Accounts Lookup For DepositsHRELACI
Report For Partly Funded DepositsHPARTFUN
Reprint Deposits ReceiptHREDRP
Scheme Parameter Inqry – Term DepositsHTDGSPI
Scheme Parameter Inqry – Top-up DepositsHTUGSPI
Scheme Parameter Maint – Term DepositsHTDGSPM
Scheme Parameter Maint – Top-up DepositsHTUGSPM
Schemewise Distribution of DepositsCSDD
Term Deposit Accounts PurgeHPUTDACC
Term Deposit ExtensionHTDEXT
Term Deposit Interest detailsHTDINT
Term Deposit Interest Version Slab InqHTVSI
Term Deposit Interest Version Slab Maint.HTVSM
Term Deposit RenewalHTDREN
Term Deposit Tax Deduction DetailsHTDTAX
Term Deposit Transaction DetailsHTDTRAN
Term Deposits Master UploadHUPLTAM
Term Deposits of CustomerHCUTD
Term Deposits Transaction UploadHUPLTDT

Finacle 10 commands related to Forex

Cancel Forex Demand DraftHCFDDS
Forex Parameters Maintenance MenuFXMMU
FOREX Turnover ReportHFXTR
Maintain FOREX Control TableHMNTFCT
Pay Forex Demand Drafts in MassHPFDDM
Foreign Agent Code MaintenanceMAC
Foreign Currency Notes Issued ReportHFCNR
Foreign Currency Purchase Sale ReportHFCNPS
Foreign Currency TC Issued ReportHFCTCR
Foreign Currency TC Sale ReportHFCTCSR
Foreign DD/TT/MT Issued RegisterHDTMR
Foreign Exchange MenuGUFXMU
Foreign Inward Remittance CertificatePFIRC
Foreign Remittances Report MenuFREMRMU
Maintain Foreign Agent CodeMNTFAC
Print a Foreign Outward DDREMPRINT
Currency Exchange With CustomerCEC
Currency Exchange With Money ChangerCEMC
Customer Level Exchange Rate MaintenanceHCLERPM
Exchange Rates Menu – Online ServicesHRATEXMU
Maintain Stock Exchange DetailsMSED
Forward Contract Forward Rate Reval ReportFCFRPT
Forward Contract Forward Rate RevaluationFCFRR
Forward ContractCRVLAFWC
Forward Contract CloseHFWCLOSE
Forward Contract DetailsHFWCI
Forward Contract Liability ReportFWCLR
Forward Contract MaintenanceMNTFWC
Forward Contract Note PrintingFWCNOTE
Forward Contract RevaluationFWCREVAL
Forward Contract Type MaintenanceFWCTPM
Forward Contracts MenuFWCMU

Finacle 10 commands for Cash

Cash Balance ReportHCBR
Cash WithdrawalCASHWD
Close Cash TransactionsHCCST
Cross Currency Cash WithdrawalCCASHWD
Currency Sale – CashCURSALE
FAB Cash Report DetailsFCASHREP
Inquire on Bonds Realized CashflowsIBRC
Issue of Encashment CertificateIEC
Pending Cash TransactionsHCASHPND
Shroff Cash Report – AllHSCWRPTA
Shroff Cash ReportHSCWRPT
Stop Cash TransactionsHSCST
Teller Cash Sale – CashTCSALEC
Teller Cash Account MaintenanceHGECM
Cash DepositCASHDEP

Finacle 10 Commands related to Cheques

Bankers Cheque Recon ReportHBCREPRT
Cheque Book Details UploadHCHQUPLD
Cheque Book issueCHQISS
Cheque Book Issued RegisterHCHBIR
Cheque Book MaintenanceHCHBM
Cheques Rejected at CounterHECHRAC
Foreign Cheques Covering ScheduleHFBCCS
Generate Cheques Covering ScheduleGCCS
Inquire Account Number for a ChequeHINQACHQ
Issue Chequebook to AccountHICHBA
Issue ChequebooksHICHB
Post Dated Cheque Zone MaintenanceHPDCZM
Post Dated Cheques MaintenanceHPDCM
Post Dated Cheques Upload for reject PDCUOPDCR
Purge Cheque Book TableHPUCBT
Transfer Cheques between AccountsHXFCHBAC
Update Cheque StatusHUCS
Upload Mutal Fund Transactions Cheque DetailsUMFTCD
Upload SIP Cheque DetailsUSIPCD

Finacle 10 Commands for Demand Draft [DD]

Demand Draft CancellationHDDC
Demand Draft IssueDDISSUE
Demand Draft Issue ReportsHDDIR
Demand Draft Not Paid AdviceHDDNPADV
Demand Draft Paid AdviceHDDPADV
Demand Draft PaymentDDPAY
Demand Draft Payment Advice EntryHDDADV
Demand Draft Reminder Batch MenuDDREM
Demand Draft Status MaintenanceHDDSM
Demand Draft Summary in FileHDDSUMF
Demand Draft Transfer to Head OfficeHDDXFR
Demand Draft Mass IssueHDDMI
Demand Draft Mass PaymentHDDMP
Demand Draft menus – Online ServicesDD
Demand Draft Print ReportHDDPRPT
Demand Draft Ratex Enabled Mass IssueHDDXMI
Demand Draft ReportsHDDP
Demand Draft Status UploadHUPLDST
Demand Drafts Batch PrintingHDDBP
Demand Drafts MenuGUDDMU
Demand Drafts Payment UploadHDDPUPL
Demand Drafts RectificationHDDR
Demand Drafts RevertHDDRVRT
Demand Drafts TransferHDDT
Demand Drafts UploadHDDUPL

Finacle 10 Commands for Account Opening

Account Open Modification – Corporate LoanHOAACMCL
Account Opening – Cash Credit – ModificationHOAACMCC
Account Opening – Commercial Loan – VerificationHOAACVCL
Account Opening – Term Deposits – ModificationHOAACMTD
Account Opening – Term Deposits – VerificationHOAACVTD
Account Opening – Top Up Deposits – ModificationHOAACMTU
Acount Opening – Top Up Deposits – VerificationHOAACVTU
Account Open Modification – Pre Shipment AcctOAACMPS
Account Opening – Bill PurchaseHOAACBP
Account Opening – Bill Purchase – ModifyHOAACMBP
Account Opening – Bills Purchase – VerifyHOAACVBP
Account Opening – Cash CreditHOAACCC
Account Opening – Cash Credit – VerifyHOAACVCC
Account Opening – Commercial LoanHOAACCL
Account Opening – CurrentHOAACCA
Account Opening – Current – ModificationHOAACMCA
Account Opening – Current – VerifyHOAACVCA
Account Opening – LoanHOAACLA
Account Opening – Loan – ModificationHOAACMLA
Account Opening – Loan – VerifyHOAACVLA
Account Opening – OverdraftHOAACOD
Account Opening – Overdraft – ModificationHOAACMOD
Account Opening – Overdraft – VerifyHOAACVOD
Account Opening – SavingsHOAACSB
Account Opening – Savings – ModificationHOAACMSB
Account Opening – Savings – VerifyHOAACVSB
Account Opening – Term DepositsHOAACTD
Account Opening – Top Up DepositsHOAACTU
Automatic Account OpeningHOAACACL
Bonds Holiday modification reportGBHMR
Common Message Modification InterfaceHCMMI
DD ModificationHDDMOD
Drawdown Rate ModificationDRDNM
Fixed Deposits Opening Closure DetailsHFDOCD
Modify Corporate CustomerMCEC
Modify Effective Asset ClassificationHMEAC
Modify Order FixingMOF
Modify Retail CustomerMRCR
Modify Structured Product Value DateMSPVD
Modify Syndication Distribution AmountMSDA
Offline Operative Account OpeningFOPACOP
Open a Pre-shipment AccountOAACPS
Open Cash TransactionsHOCST
Open Inward Clearing ZoneHOICZ
Open Inward Clearing Zone For SetHOICZSET
Open Transfer TransactionsHOXFT
Open ZoneHOZO
Restrict Modify Indicator MaintenanceHRMIM
SP Holiday Modification ReportGSPHMR

Finacle 10 Commands for Clearing

Centralized Clearing OperaionsHCCO
Clearing BAR/Advice PrintingHCLBAP
Clearing MenuGUCLMU
Clearing Menu – Online servicesHGUCLMU
Clearing Rule MaintenanceHCLRM
Clearing Status UpdateHCSUP
Clearing Transaction Code MaintenanceHCTCM
Clearing Transaction Upload MaintenanceHCLUPLD
Clearing Transaction VerificationHOCTV
Clearing Zone MaintenanceFCLZM
ECS Generate Outward Clearing FileHEGOC
Inquire On Clearing Transaction SetsHIOCLS
Inward Clearing MenuHGUICLMU
Inward Clearing Rej Code MaintenanceHICRCM
Inward Clearing ReplayREPIWC
Inward Clearing Transaction MaintenanceHICTM
Inward Clearing Zone Template MaintenanceHICZCM
Maintain Clearing ZoneHMCLZOH
Maintain Inward Clearing ZoneHMICZ
Offline Outward Clearing Instrument InqFOIQ
Offline Outward Clearing UploadFOWCUPLD
Outward Clearing Instrument MaintenanceHOCINST
Outward Clearing Instrument VerificationHOCIV
Outward Clearing Insts Download ReportHOCDL
Outward Clearing MenuGUOCLMU
Outward Clearing Part Tran MaintenanceHOCPTRN
Outward Clearing ReplayREPOWC
Outward Clearing ScheduleFPCLSO
Outward Clearing Set LodgeHOCTM
Outward Clearing Value Date ReportHVALDTR
Outward Clearing Zone Template MaintenanceHCLZCM
Print Clearing ScheduleHPCLSO
Print Inward Clearing ScheduleHPICS
Print Inward Clearing WasteHPICW
Purge Inward clearing ZoneHPUIZH
Purge Outward Clearing ZoneHPURZO

Finacle 10 commands for ECS

ECS Data SegregationHEDS
ECS Generate Inward Return FileHEGIR
ECS Inward Returns ProcessingHEIRP
ECS Inward Transaction UploadHEITU
ECS Lien LiftingHECSLL
ECS Mandate MaintenanceHECSM
ECS Mandate ReportHEMR
ECS Mandate UploadHECSMU
ECS Outward Returns ProcessingHEORP
ECS Outward Transaction ProcessingHEOTP
ECS Status UpdateHESUP
ECS Suspense ReversalHEOSR

Finacle 10 Commands related to Loans

Account Maintenance – Commercial LoanHACMCL
Accounts Maintenance – LoansHACMLA
ACH O/w Debit Claim Processing for LoansHACHODCL
ACH Outward Debit Resend for LoansHACHODRL
ACH-Loans Demand Satisfaction ProcessHACHDSP
Agricultural Loans Master Sheet PrintHALMSP
Auto Reschedule Pre EI LoansHLAAR
Batch Closure Of LOAN AccountsHCLSLAA
Batch Rephasement of EI LoansHREPHASE
Batch Review Loan Against CollateralHLACREV
Charge Off Loan AccountHCOLA
Close Loan AccountCAACLA
Commercial Loan AccountsHCUCLAAC
Commercial Loan Amendment ReschedulingHCLARA
Commercial Loan Int Ver Slab MaintenanceHCLVSM
Commercial Loan Payment MenuHCLSPAY
Corporate Loan Payment MenuHCLUPAY
Draw Down Syndicated LoanDDSL
ECS Loan Batch JobHECLA
EMI Loans Interest Details ReportHEMIINTR
Employer Rpt For Salary Loan DeductionHEISRPT
Inquire/Print Loan Interest Acct DetailsIPLIAD
Installment Reversal of Loan AcctsHINSTREV
Loan Account Master PrintHLAMP
Loan Account menus – Online ServicesLAACCTS
Loan Account Notice MaintenanceHLANM
Loan Account Pass Sheet PrintHLAPSP
Loan Account RecallHLARECAL
Loan Accounts of CustomerHCULA
Loan Advance Interest AdjustmentHLADINAD
Loan Agency MasterHLAAM
Loan Amendment and ReschedulingHLARA
Loan Collection Upload ProcessHLACOLUP
Loan Date Field Registry for Date ShiftHRLDFDSO
Loan DefermentHLADEF
Loan DisbursementHLADISB
Loan Disbursement LetterHLADML
Loan Document Details UploadHDOCUPL
Loan Facility Pledged by Unit TrustGLFPUTR
Loan Fee DetailsHCLFEEI
Loan Future Installment/PDC ReportHLAFIRPT
Loan General DetailsHCLNGI
Loan Interest Data generationHSHBLGEN
Loan Interest Table MaintenanceHLINTTM
Loan Interest Version Slab MaintenanceHLVSM
Loan Late Fee Assessment and ReversalHLALFAR
Loan Litigation Details MaintenanceHLLDM
Loan Litigation Details ReportsHLLDRPTS
Loan ModellingHLAMOD
Loan Pay Off ProcessHPAYOFF
Loan Priority of Settlement MaintenanceHLAPSM
Loan Repayment ScheduleHLRPSI
Loan Upload DemandsHUPLDMD
Loans & Advances MenuGULAMU
Loans & Advances PDC MenuLAPDCMU
Loans & Advances Reports Menu – OnlineHLAREPMU
Loans & Advances Upload MenuHLAUPLMU
Loans Batch Assessment of RebatesHLABAR
Loans Collection and Position ReportHLAPOSR
Loans Demand Generation ProcessHLADGEN
Loans Demand Satisfaction ProcessHLADSP
Loans- Fee Assess, Collect and RefundHLAFACR
Loans Fee Assessment and CollectionHLAFACB
Loans Flow MaintenanceHLAFI
Loans Follow-up History MaintenanceHLAFHM
Loans Forthcoming Rollover ReportHFCRRPT
Loans Maturity ProcessingHLAMATP
Loans Overdue Demand Reminder/ReportHLAODR
Loans Periodical Review Returns 1AHLAPRR1A
Loans Periodical Review Returns 4AHLAPRR4A
Loans Periodical Review Returns 4BHLAPRR4B
Loans Periodical Review Returns 4CHLAPRR4C
Loans Repayment Schedule ReportHLARSH
Loans Rollover Batch JobHLAROB
Loans Scheduled PaymentHLASPAY
Loans Scheduled Payment ReportHSPAYRPT
Loans Unscheduled PaymentHLAUPAY
Loans UploadsHLAUPLD
Loans – Waiver of FeeHLAWFEE
Loans – Waiver of InterestHLAWINT
Problem Loan – Debt TransferHDBTCON
PSR29 – Agricultural Loans ReturnHPSR29
Replicate Global Loan Parameters to GSPMRLAGSPM
Reverse Loan Account ReschedulingRLAR
Packing Credits Maintenance MenuHPCMMU
Packing Credits Reports MenuPCRPTM
Party Wise Pre-Shipment CreditRPODPC
Partywise Liability RegisterHPLR
Account Limit History MaintenanceHACLHM
Batch Limit Status UpdateLIMSTUPD
Batch Re-Transfer of LimitsHLIMRXFR
Customer Limit DetailsHACLHI
Customer Limit Tree DetailsHLMTREEI
DSA Document Limit History UploadHUPLDLH
FAB Change Offline Debit LimitFCHGRLM
Limit Contingent ReversalHLIMITCR
Limit DetailsZACLHI
Limit History UploadHUPLLHT
Limit Liability ReportHLLR
Limit Node DetailsHLNDI
Limit Node MaintenanceHLNM
Limit Node PurgeHPULN
Limit Node RevaluationHLNREV
Limit TransferHLIMXFR
Limit Tree LookupHLTL
Limits and MarginHLMIMU
Maintain Limit MasterMLM
Rebuild Limit HistoryHRLH
Role Event Approver Limit MaintenanceHREALM
Superceding Expired LimitsHSEL
Temporary LimitsLNMTL

Finacle 10 commands for Print

Account Master PrintHACMP
Account Selection PrintHACSP
BG Margin PrintingHBMARGIN
Customer Account Ledger PrintHACLPCA
Customer Balance PrintingHCUSBALP
Customer Master PrintHCUMP
DC General Purpose Report PrintingHDCGPR
FFD – Pass Sheet PrintHFFDPSP
HO Schedules PrintHHOS
Inquire HO Transactions & Print AdvicesIHOTPA
Office Account Ledgers PrintHACLPOA
Pass Sheet PrintHPSP
Passbook PrintHPBP
Passbook ReprintHPBPR
Print All Unprinted DDsHDDPALL
Print Certificate for Zakat DeductionPCZD
Print Consolidated AdvicesPCA
Print Day bookHPDB
Print DR/CR Advice to CustomerHADVC
Print FormsDDFMU
Print Investment Portfolio StatementPIPS
Print P & L Report for BranchHPLBRAN
Print Profitability/Budget Rpt in BranchHPBBRAN
Print ReportsHPR
Print SI Advice to CustomerHSIADVC
Print SI Covering Letter to CustomerHSICL
Print Swift Message AdviceHSAG
Print Transfer WasteHPTW
Print VoucherHPV
Print WasteHPWO
Print/Display Media ListHPDML
Printer Table MaintenanceHPRT
Printing Maha ReportsHPRTMR
Profit Certificate PrintPPC
Purchase/Sale register printingHFXPSRG
Purge Print Queue TableHPUPQT
Ratelist PrintingHPRRTL
Remittance Advice PrintingRADVP
Reprint a DD/Print AdviceHDDRPRNT
Standing Instructions Register PrintingHSIRP
Transaction Advice Printing DC/BGHCHRGADV

Finacle 10 commands for Interest

Interest Accrual For AccountsHACACCR
Interest Accrual For Commercial LendingHCLACCR
Interest Accrual For RemittancesHRMACCR
Interest Accrual For Retail LendingHRLACCR
Interest Adjustment Register MaintenanceHIARM
Interest Advance Notice for OD AccountsHODIANO
Interest And TDS AdviceINTTDADV
Interest Booking For AccountsHACBOOK
Interest Booking For Commercial LendingHCLBOOK
Interest Booking For RemittancesHRMBOOK
Interest Booking For Retail LendingHRLBOOK
Interest Certificate PrintHINTCERT
Interest For RPC DisbursementsHRPCINT
Interest Paid on Delayed CollectionHIPDCR
Interest Proof ReportHINTPRF
Interest Rate Change AdviceHINTADV
Interest Report For AccountsHAINTRPT
Interest Run For AccountsHACINT
Interest Run For NPA AccountsACNPAINT
Interest Slab Version UploadHUPLITVS
Interest Table Code MaintenanceHITCM
Interest Table Code Upload For AccountsHUPLINT
Interest Table MaintenanceHINTTM
Interest Table Notice Period MaintenanceHITGPM
Interest Version Slab MaintenanceHIVSM

Finacle 10 commands for Bank Guarantee

Guarantee CloseHBGCLOSE
Guarantee Parameter MaintenanceGTPM
Guarantees Issued/Liabilty RegisterHGILR
Guarantees MenuGMMU
Guarantees UploadBGUPL
Bank GuaranteesCRVLABGU
Calculate Guarantee Overdue ChargesCGOC
Deferred Payment Guarantee ReportGDPGR
Inward Guarantee MaintenanceIGM
Outward Guarantee MaintenanceOGM
PRR11A Quarterly Statement of GuaranteesHPRR11A
PRR-11B Monitoring of GuaranteesHPRR11B
PRR-11C Statement of GuaranteesHPRR11C
Statement of GuaranteeHBGSTMNT
STR19 Insurance covered guarantee reportHSTR19
Upload Bank Guarantee EventsUBGE

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