This Bank Union announced 'No Levy from the Members'

Canara Bank Officers Organization (CBOO) has announced that they would not charge any levy from any of their members for 11th Bipartite Wage Settlement. They had not charged the levy in previous settlement also.

The 11th BPS Wage revision was finalized on 11th Nov 2020 with three years delay.

This is really a very appreciating step and eye opener for other unions, many of them have already announced a hefty levy from their members. 

Many of the members have shown their displeasure in collecting the levy by the unions post 11th BPS settlement. There is no point of collecting monies for the common cause. 11th BPS Wage settlement is the common cause and the expenses can be adjusted towards the monthly collection. 

It pinches if the demands of the members are not fulfilled. The major demands of the bankers like 5 days banking or 20% hike were not at all considered and fulfilled by the banker Unions.
