Minutes of discussion between IBA and Workmen Unions on 10th Dec

Discussion between IBA &Workmen Unions 

A discussion between the Negotiating Committee of IBA and Workmen Unions (except BEFI) took place today in Mumbai. The meeting was held to discuss residual issues of Common Charter of Demand.  A supplementary minutes of today’s discussions is also available in social media.

We  observe from the minutes that two of the sensitive issues, among others, centring round which we took stand not to sign the MoU on 22nd July 2020, have been placed at the top of list for discussion. These are 5 day week and updation of pension. We feel that these issues should have been discussed with due importance and finalised while inking 11th BPS.

So far 5 day week is concerned, on the day of MoU, from BEFI we sought IBA's view on this. The negotiating committee remained silent on that day. The then Chairman of IBA told in an earlier meeting that IBA is not in favour of 5 day week as bank employees of our country are already enjoying more leaves comparing with other countries of the world. The stand of IBA seems to be unchanged as they reiterated their view unambiguously in today’s meeting also. We understand that so long IBA doesn’t change their stand on this matter, the issue is not likely to be referred to other stake holders.

In regard to periodical updation of pension on the occasions of wage revision and updation of pension for existing pensioners, the IBA is maintaining their self contradictory position. It is mentioned in the Minutes as comments/response of IBA that the current details of the Pension Fund in various Banks are being collected and based on these details, actuarial working also needs to be done. The IBA, all along the negotiation process, had been claiming that updation of pension require huge amount of money. When details of Pension Fund of all banks are not available with IBA, how they calculated fund requirement we wonder. Moreover, details of Pension Funds of most of the banks are available to different retiree organizations obtained through Right to Information which were duly forwarded to IBA. It is IBA who are finding difficulties to get the details from their member banks which are undergoing audit every year. 

Secondly, the IBA during negotiation proposed for ad hoc increase and that too in phases starting with the earlier pensioners. The idea of truncated revision of pension has been reiterated in today’s Minutes wherein it is mentioned that, IBA is quite sympathetic to the issue, especially revision in pension for those who have retired under earlier Settlement periods when the emoluments were relatively lesser than at present. While we also feel that the amount of pension of the employees/officers retired during earlier settlements are very low but this idea has been mooted to create  division among the pensioners which  should not be allowed. Our struggle must continue for updation for all as had been done recently in RBI and no ad hoc increase, the pension is to be revised in RBI pattern.

Comrades, we must not lose our focus on other important issues. Along with 5 day week and updation/revision of pension in RBI pattern, our endeavour should remain for scrapping of NPS and extension of defined benefit pension scheme to all. 

We are going to lodge our strong protest against engagement of Apprentices in large scale by SBI, which has also declared a VRS scheme targeting as many as 30000 employees/officers. The banks are recruiting inadequate number of employees; more and more routine jobs are being outsourced. We seriously consider that need of the hour is sustained joint movement in the industry under the banner of United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU). We shall take necessary initiative in that direction.
